Estate Planning Strategies

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If you were to suddenly pass away tomorrow, how would your family survive financially?

It’s something that we never like to think about, but a poorly structured estate could leave your assets (and by association, your loved ones and dependants) tied up in legal red tape in the event of your death.

Estate Planning is not just about having a Will

So what is Estate Planning?

Estate Planning involves the review, management and control of your personal, family and business affairs according to your wishes while you are alive. Sometimes Estate Planning can be as simple as having a Will, but often involves more complex aspects including power of attorney and legal guardianship.

A well-constructed Estate Plan can protect your assets and save your family, friends, and/or business partners a great deal of angst when the inevitable happens.

Are there any tax benefits?

Yes! Any payments to a proven spouse and/or dependent are typically tax-free. However what about your non-dependant children? Close friends? Business partners?

A well structured Estate Plan can minimise the tax payable by beneficiaries of your estate upon receiving any benefits. There is no effective ‘one size fits all’ approach to Estate Planning, so engaging an adviser that understands the tax intricacies of a complex Estate Plan can result in significantly more benefits being paid out to your beneficiaries.

Contact us today to arrange an initial meeting to discuss how we might be able to assist you.


This is general advice only and does not take into account your financial circumstances, needs and objectives. Before making any decision based on this document, you should assess your own circumstances or seek advice from a financial planner and seek tax advice from a registered tax agent. Information is current at the date of issue and may change.